Friday, December 4, 2009

Bull Riding..

Now this is one extreme sport that I feel I have to participate in at least once in my life. It's just you against the animal, and not just any animal a "bull." Bulls are solid muscle and weigh at an excess of 1000 pounds. Bull riding has been said to me the most dangerous 8 seconds of any sport. The object of this sport is to mount the bull while being strapped in, then release the bull from the pen, the rider attempts to stay on the raging animal for 8 seconds with only one arm allowed to hold on. Scoring in bull riding goes from 1 to 100. The score is dependent on how well the rider stays on and also on the tenacity of the bull. Thus, a victory can depend just as much on the bull as it can the rider. I can remember watching Bodacious, the most legendary bull in history just dominate riders. He was never riding and in fact was nearly banned from the sport for being to dangerous. The most famous rider is Tuff Heidman, that actually died doing this sport. That's one crazy sport.

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