I never got to serious into this sport, but when I was was younger for Christmas one year me and my brother and dad all recieved paintball guns. So just like any new toy, you have to out it to use right away. So we all ventured out into the woods fully geared up and ready for battle. Shoots started flying, and it wasn't long before we realized something wasn't right. The paintballs had been left outside the night before and froze, therefore they weren't bursting on impact. HAHA my brother got hit on the top of the head, and me on the trigger finger. This pretty much put and end to our paintball experience for that day.
In 1976, three friends by the names of Hayes Noel, Bob Gurnsey, and Charles Gaines began to ponder over the thrill they got over a hunting trip in Africa, and how they could recreate that excitement for themselves. Thats when one of them inspired by the book "the most dangerous game" and there recent trip came up with the idea of using paint guns that were formerly used to mark tree and cattle as weapons to play among each other. Not long after that the first ever recorded game of paintball took place, it was twelve on twelve, and was capture the flag.
Nowadays paintball is a major sport of which anyone can particapate in. You jus have to be willing to deal with some pain. Better yet, just dont get shot.
I never got to serious into this sport, but when I was was younger for Christmas one year me and my brother and dad all recieved paintball guns. So just like any new toy, you have to out it to use right away. So we all ventured out into the woods fully geared up and ready for battle. Shoots started flying, and it wasn't long before we realized something wasn't right. The paintballs had been left outside the night before and froze, therefore they weren't bursting on impact. HAHA my brother got hit on the top of the head, and me on the trigger finger. This pretty much put and end to our paintball experience for that day.
In 1976, three friends by the names of Hayes Noel, Bob Gurnsey, and Charles Gaines began to ponder over the thrill they got over a hunting trip in Africa, and how they could recreate that excitement for themselves. Thats when one of them inspired by the book "the most dangerous game" and there recent trip came up with the idea of using paint guns that were formerly used to mark tree and cattle as weapons to play among each other. Not long after that the first ever recorded game of paintball took place, it was twelve on twelve, and was capture the flag.
Nowadays paintball is a major sport of which anyone can particapate in. You jus have to be willing to deal with some pain. Better yet, just dont get shot.
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